Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) conducted a two-day training to 35 journalists from 26 regions in Tanzania on monitoring, documenting and reporting electoral processes in Tanzania. The training was conducted in Dodoma 23rd and 24th August 2024.  

In his opening remarks, THRDC National Coordinator Adv. Onesmo Olengurumwa said that the main objective of the training was to enhance journalists’ understanding on the electoral laws, regulations and policies regulating the media and journalists during elections in Tanzania. The training aimed further at equipping journalists’ skills for monitoring, documenting and reporting electoral processes ahead of the 2024 local government elections and 2025 general elections so as to ensure that journalists provide accurate, balanced and unbiased information to the public.

THRDC Head of Protection Programs Adv. Paul Kisabo and Adv. John Seka facilitated on the laws, regulations and policies regulating the media and journalists during elections in Tanzania. Adv. Kisabo further facilitated on the challenges encountered by journalists and the media in monitoring and reporting elections in Tanzania focusing on previous elections in Tanzania. Amongst the challenging law highly discussed is the Political Party Elections Broadcasts Code, 2020 which restricts journalists work during elections.  

Ms. Eva Mwambungu and Adv. Olengurumwa facilitated on monitoring, documentation and reporting electoral processes and incidents by journalists in Tanzania. Mr. Jesse Kwayu a prominent journalist faciliated on the roles of journalists and the media in observing and reporting elections in Tanzania. The Director of Union of Tanzania Press Clubs Mr. Kenneth Simbaya facilitated on the ethical standards and norms to be observed by journalists and the media in observing and reporting elections.  

Further, a veteran journalist Mr. Deus Kibamba facilitated on the use of digital platforms by journalists on monitoring and documenting elections, opportunities and challenges. Amongst the challenges highlighted was the banning of the internet during elections like in 2020.

The training also offered an opportunity for journalists to share their practical experiences and challenges encounetered them in reporting previous electoral process in Tanzania, such as physical security threats, corruption, pressures from some unethical politicians, media owners or editors, gender violence and harassment especially for female journalists.

During the closing remarks, Mr. Jesse Kwayu insisted the journalists to uphold integrity and avoid aligning with any political candidates or parties in reporting electoral process so as to ensure unbiased information reporting. He conclusively insisted journalists to maintain highest ethical and professional standards in monitoring and reporting electoral process in Tanzania.

Issued by
Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC)
August 25, 2024
Dodoma, Tanzania