The Tanzania CSOs' 2024-2029 Election Manifesto team pay a visit to Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA)

Today 9/1012024 , The Tanzania CSOs' 2024-2029 Election Manifesto team, led by the National Coordinator for Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) Adv.Onesmo Olengurumwa, paid an official visit to Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo  (CHADEMA).  During this visit, CSOs representatives and CHADEMA leaders had a sufficient moment to discuss on the  Manifesto's priority areas that  present the Tanzanian Citizens' Opinions and recommendations collected from more than 300 active CSOs in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

During their discussion, the General Secretary for CHADEMA, Mr. John John Mnyika, revealed that, he has gone through the 2024-2029 CSOs' Manifesto before the meeting and admited it to be the best manifesto that also aligns with CHADEMA’s Vision and Goals of creating a  nation that respects the rule of law, Freedom of Expression, Democratic Governance and Inclusive Development.

He was more happy to find that, the CSOs Manifesto had also included issues of  climate change mitigations measures,  the need fo new Constitution and inclusive economy.

On the other side, Adv.Onesmo Olengurumwa emphasised that,the CSOs Manifesto is a comprehensive guide to politicians who seeks power towards creating a nation that we want. The Tanzania we Want needs  Free and Fair Election, Good governance and the rule  of law, Inclusive economy and sustainable development.

09 October 2024.

Dar es Salaam HQ.