Resource Center

Tanzania Human Rights Defenders’ Resource Centre is a multi-media library with relevant human rights facilities, learning materials, and publications made available for human rights defenders in Tanzania, students and researchers.
Following the development of the Tanzania Human Rights Defenders' Coalition's new Strategic Plan (THRDC’s new Strategic Plan of 2018-2022), the Coalition has developed a Resource Centre for Tanzania Human Rights Defenders to create an enabling environment for HRDs to learn and share various human rights information, reports, and publications.
As an umbrella organization with more than one hundred and fifty (150) member organizations and individual HRDs across Tanzania, the Resource Centre will serve as a learning hub for human rights information both online and offline.
Therefore, the Resource Centre constitutes an Online TV (WATETEZI TV), THRDC’s Informative and learning Website, HRDs online training courses, offline library, online library, Human Rights Reports from THRDC members, Human Rights eBooks, Human Rights Audiobooks, Human Rights Documentaries, Human Rights mini-studio, law reports, human rights cases, and other human rights publications.
Rationale For The Establishment Of The Resources Centre
THRDC discovered there is a problem with the documentation, collection, and sharing of human rights data in Tanzania. A number of human rights defenders engage in the promotion and protection of human rights in Tanzania, but there is still a synchronization problem between the publication and dissemination of their work. Again many HRDs publish human rights materials, but yet cannot be accessible in a one-stop center. All these have hindered the publicity and visibility of HRDs’ work for a long time. Therefore THIRD-RC strives to address the following problems:
The rapid shrinking of HRDs’ media and civic space
The absence of a well-known, dedicated, accessible, reliable, and fully furnished human rights defenders’ hub of human rights information
Poor documentation of HRDs’ work
Poor dissemination practices of human rights publications by HRDs
Poor self-learning practices among HRDs
An absence of one-stop learning center
The main interest of this Coalition is to, inter alia, work towards enhanced security and protection of HRDs in the United Republic of Tanzania. It also intends to strengthen regional and international interventions to protect and promote the rights and responsibilities of HRDs. All that we do is support the achievement of these goals whereby our priorities are set to achieve the following three outcomes or key result areas – KRAs.

To address the problems above, the Coalition has established the Resources Centre mainly:

To provide readers with resourceful human rights publications

To promote and encourage self-educating practices in THRDC Members

Host Tanzania Watetezi Television an Online Mini-Studio

To serve as a storage and database for internal THRDC publications

To become a one-stop center of collected  human rights defenders' reports and publications in all forms

To serve as a hub for HRDs and human right information in Tanzania

To provide a learning space for HRDs in Tanzania

To provide online  security courses  to HRDs in Tanzania