Are you a Defender of Children’s Rights in Tanzania? JE, wewe ni mtetezi wa haki za watoto Tanzania?

The East Africa Human Rights Institute (EAHRI), in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam (School of Law) and the Law School of Tanzania, have designed a Continued Legal and Human Rights Education program (short courses) for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) focusing on various areas of human rights and access to justice. The program modules are designed based on the needs of the practice. Empower yourself with our Continued Legal and Human Rights Education courses for Human Rights Defenders in Tanzania. ( Taasisi ya Haki za Binadamu ya Afrika Mashariki (EAHRI), kwa kushirikiana na Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam (Shule ya kuu ya Sheria) na Chuo cha Mafunzo ya Uanasheria kwa Vitendo Tanzania, wameandaa programu ya Elimu ya Kisheria ya Haki za Binadamu (kozi fupi) kwa Watetezi wa Haki za Binadamu (HRDs) inayolenga maeneo mbalimbali ya haki za binadamu na upatikanaji wa haki. Moduli za programu zimeundwa kulingana na mahitaji halisia. Jiwezeshe na kozi zetu za Elimu ya Sheria na Haki za Binadamu kwa Watetezi wa Haki za Binadamu nchini Tanzania. )

The current intake is unique for Human Rights defenders working on the promotion and protection of children's rights in Tanzania from the following regions: Dar es Salaam, Singida, Tanga, Morogoro, Pwani, Dodoma, Lindi, Mtwara and Ruvuma. (Kozi zetu kwa awamu hii ni wa kipekee kwa watetezi wa Haki za Binadamu wanaofanya kazi ya kukuza na kulinda haki za watoto nchini Tanzania kutoka mikoa ifuatayo: Dar es Salaam, Singida, Tanga, Morogoro, Pwani, Dodoma, Lindi, Mtwara na Ruvuma. )

Limited spots are available. Fungua hapa kupata maelezo zaidi na vigezo kabla ya kwanza kujaza form hii/ Following the link to get the concept note before application /


A. Course financier (Ufadhili):  Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition(THRDC)

B. Host Institutions (Waandaaji): The East Africa Human Rights

Institute, The University of Dar es Salaam and The Law School of Tanzania.

C. Eligibility (Wahusika): Human Rights defenders working on promotion and protection of children rights in Tanzania from the following regions: Dar es Salaam, Singida, Tanga , Morogoro , Pwani , Dodoma, Lindi , Mtwara, Shinyanga and Ruvuma ( Wahusika ni Watetez wa Haki za Watoto toka katika mikoa tajwa)

D. Application deadline (Mwisho wa maombi): 22th July  2024

C. Course date (Tarehe za mafunzo): 31st July and 1st August 2024

E. Venue (Ukumbi): Law School of Tanzania premises - Dar es Salaam.

For more details about this course, please reach us through Dr. Francis M. Magare, Advocate.  Mob. +255 783 127 597 (WhatsApp only); Email Or Ms Evaline Mwambungu at and Mobile 0654636771